Sunday, May 12, 2013

You Know You're Getting Old When. . .

Once you get married, what used to be mundane somehow becomes exciting.  
Example: Costco trips, I never remember them being so fun.  
On our latest trip we really splurged on some exciting things.  
Our spoils included gardening gloves and new socks (we also tried all the samples, of course).  
These aren't just any ordinary socks, they have arch support, make you run like The Flash, and make the wood floor magically turn into an ice rink.  
Stephen is super excited

We're in love, with socks <3


  1. So true. Costco is such a treat! Incidentally,they do have a great sock collection. I love that you can leave with the most random cart of diapers and 3 months worth of toilet paper alongside 4 pounds of strawberries and that latest new release.

  2. ohmygosh seriously about the costco lovin. sometimes ty and i just go to costco for our friday date. the only bad thing about it is the buyer's remorse that sometimes strikes...
