Saturday, July 6, 2013

The Insidious Key

I went to Walmart today to get a few items for girl's camp and the total came out to be a bit more than I expected.  I usually like to watch the cashier ring up every item so I can check all the prices, but there was no line, and the cashier was so fast, he was done by the time I had unloaded my cart.

Before leaving, I decided I had better check my receipt for anything weird.  Right away I noticed he charged me twice for something, great, and then I saw something very odd.
Heartskullkey $5.97 
What on earth is that?!  
I didn't recall picking up anything heart related, skull related, or key related, and why would anything involving those three things cost that much money?  I quickly rifled through my bags and there it was, the hideous sinister heart-skull key that somehow sneaked into my stuff.
Those who know me well will know that I would never EVER find this cute- at all.  I have no clue how it got in my stuff, I only have theories.  
Theory A.  I was drugged during my shopping trip and subsequently put this in my cart and then on the conveyor belt.
Theory B. The cashier thought it was a good joke or honestly thought I would like such an item.
Theory C. A mischievous child put it in my cart and I somehow didn't notice when putting it on the conveyor.
Theory D. (the most likely and disturbing of the theories) The insidious little key wanted me to buy it and sneaked in on its own.  

I made my way swiftly to customer service and rectified the situation, but this post serves as a warning to all Walmart shoppers.  Check your receipts, evil heart-skull keys will stop at nothing to come home with you!


  1. What in the world?! It is a bit freaky...the skull and all...

  2. This is hilarious. What an evil key. It's like the start to a horror movie. I just hope it was also the end... dun dun dun.
