Saturday, July 6, 2013

The Insidious Key

I went to Walmart today to get a few items for girl's camp and the total came out to be a bit more than I expected.  I usually like to watch the cashier ring up every item so I can check all the prices, but there was no line, and the cashier was so fast, he was done by the time I had unloaded my cart.

Before leaving, I decided I had better check my receipt for anything weird.  Right away I noticed he charged me twice for something, great, and then I saw something very odd.
Heartskullkey $5.97 
What on earth is that?!  
I didn't recall picking up anything heart related, skull related, or key related, and why would anything involving those three things cost that much money?  I quickly rifled through my bags and there it was, the hideous sinister heart-skull key that somehow sneaked into my stuff.
Those who know me well will know that I would never EVER find this cute- at all.  I have no clue how it got in my stuff, I only have theories.  
Theory A.  I was drugged during my shopping trip and subsequently put this in my cart and then on the conveyor belt.
Theory B. The cashier thought it was a good joke or honestly thought I would like such an item.
Theory C. A mischievous child put it in my cart and I somehow didn't notice when putting it on the conveyor.
Theory D. (the most likely and disturbing of the theories) The insidious little key wanted me to buy it and sneaked in on its own.  

I made my way swiftly to customer service and rectified the situation, but this post serves as a warning to all Walmart shoppers.  Check your receipts, evil heart-skull keys will stop at nothing to come home with you!

Monday, June 24, 2013

The Great Wall of Ross

The one drawback to buying a new house is that they do not come with finished yards.  The builders left us some dirt, said "Mazel Tov," and were gone.  At first, the task of putting in our own sprinkler system and grass sounded like too much work, but after shopping around, we realized that free labor was the way to go if we didn't want to sell our kidneys.  

Our first mini project in the yard was building a retaining wall, or as I now call it, 
Our backyard backs up to a farmer's property and our land is a lot higher up than the farmer's.  The fence separating the two properties is chain link and our dirt has been gradually eroding away onto the other side of the fence, creating a lovely drop off in our backyard.  
Solution= build a 50ft long retaining wall.  

It took 315 paver stones, each weighing 22lbs, totaling 3.5 tons.  Needless to say, there was a lot of lifting, digging, blood, sweat, and a few tears shed throughout the 30 hour project.  We kept wishing Superman would come help us with our wall, but alas, he must have been busy elsewhere.    
Working on the wall, we were so tired and hungry.  One night after working, we both ate 6 slices of pizza.

After, no more drop off!

It was a rough few days for us, and we felt like crippled people with back problems for a while, be we are so happy we did it and saved the money.
So proud of our little wall

The mastermind and the brawn of the project

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Great Accomplishments

Lately, Mr. Ross has been helping me get into running.  Historically, I hate running so this has been quite the ordeal.  I just find it hard to keep going when I get bored, sound like a dying person taking my last breaths, get gross, and let's just say I'm used to junior high, where running the mile in P.E. was a day of dread.
So true
This meme above perfectly describes me and my husband.  I'm obviously the P.E. kid.  I tried out for the track team for one day in 7th grade.  That turned out to be a big mistake I discovered when we the other kids started mile 2.  Stephen, on the other hand, ran cross country in high school and rocked it/loved it. 

For anyone who feels the same way as I do about running, don't worry, there is hope for you!  
Here are a few things that have really helped me get over my running paralysis.  
  1. Get some goals (time goals work the best for beginners- e.g. 3xs a week for 25 minutes)
  2. Get a running buddy- while Stephen runs usually twice as far as me, we still go running at the same time
  3. If it's in the budget, get a heart rate monitor or a GPS watch and use it!- this has really made a huge difference for me.  I find it easier to run when I have something I can track and compare my workouts with.  It makes running fun!
  4.  Finally, when you have the inner battle of whether to go or not, just do it.  Remember how it makes you feel when you're done.   

    So drum roll for my great accomplishments this week......
    I ran 3.65 miles with my sister Celsea, and. . . . 
    I resisted making dessert all week (if you know me, you know that's a big deal)

    Such a great week!

Friday, May 31, 2013

That Cliche Post

I know every wife with a blog has a post like this, so it was only a matter of time for me.  I just felt that I had to express how grateful I am for my husband and partner-in-crime, Stephen.  He had to work a 13 hour day yesterday, and did it without complaining.  He works so hard to support our little family and is always so sweet to me.  Stephen is my hero and best friend.  Now for some pictures to show you why he's the best.
He loves puppies
He doesn't mind wearing matching outfits
He takes me to exotic places like Jerusalem, Utah
He is hilarious

He owns a fabulous frugal store (I wish)

He shovels snowy driveways

He takes out the garbage

He buys me doughnuts and flowers

He leaves me cute notes

He bought this girl a piano for Christmas

He takes me out on hot dates

He's incredibly good looking

He loves food- need I say more???

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Current Obsession

BBC really puts out some great stuff.  I was so sad when I had watched all of "Sherlock" and "Downton Abbey" there was to be had.  

After a generous mourning period for these shows, I discovered a new BBC gem on Netflix, suggested by my dear friend Graceann.  The show is, "Call the Midwife."  It's based off the memoirs of Jenny Worth, a midwife in the slums of London in the 1950's.  Maybe I love it so much because I am slightly baby hungry, or because I am obsessed with the human body, or perhaps it's because I am in love with anything British.  
The show makes you laugh and cry and really makes you grateful for modern-day medicine.  Unfortunately, Netflix only has the first season, and I'm already half way through.  
What's your favorite show on Netflix?  What's your favorite BBC show?  I'm taking applications for new obsessions.  

Sunday, May 12, 2013

You Know You're Getting Old When. . .

Once you get married, what used to be mundane somehow becomes exciting.  
Example: Costco trips, I never remember them being so fun.  
On our latest trip we really splurged on some exciting things.  
Our spoils included gardening gloves and new socks (we also tried all the samples, of course).  
These aren't just any ordinary socks, they have arch support, make you run like The Flash, and make the wood floor magically turn into an ice rink.  
Stephen is super excited

We're in love, with socks <3

Welcome to the Neighborhood

Hello, and welcome to the neighborhood.  We have just moved into our very own house, and by just moved in, I mean moved in February.  We are now living in Lehi, Utah, the city made famous by the original Footloose.
Contrary to what is portrayed in the film, the people in Lehi are extremely nice, at least in our neighborhood.  It's basically impossible to feel lonely or unloved living here. Not only is our neighborhood friendly, it is also beautiful.  
We have a river and some dedicated wetlands here, bringing lots of wildlife.  We have seen a family of deer, colorful pheasants, cows, seagulls, magpies, and most recently pelicans.  Pelicans are huge, I got a little nervous running the other day, when I saw about 50 gathered in the pond.  I have never heard of a pelican attack, but you never know.  
Here's a close up of some of our feathered friends.  
A beautiful day in the neighborhood, a lovely day for a neighbor, would you be mine?

Mount Timpanogos

Got the binoculars ready for bird watching